Après plus d’un quart de siècle d’aventures musicales, le Studio du Flon ferme ses portes, victime une fois de trop du monde sans foi ni loi de l’immobilier.
Bien sûr, la musique ne va pas s’arrêter pour autant, notre passion non-plus.Benoît et Greg préparent d'autres projets, différents, dont vous serez informés prochainement.
Vous trouverez plus bas la liste du matériel encore à vendre. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter!
Bonne suite musicale à tous!
Le Studio du Flon
After more than a quarter of a century of musical adventures, the Studio du Flon is closing its doors, victim of the lawless world of real estate.
Of course, our music passion is not going to stop. Benoît and Greg are preparing other projects, which you will be informed shortly.
You will find below the list of equipment still for sale. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Located in the town's centre, 5 minutes from the train station, in the oldest warehouse district du Flon. This is where the most diverse cultural activities abound (clubs, concert halls, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, FNAC, etc.). The recording studio is made up of a set of vaulted cellars 4m high with the total surface space divided into 5 areas as follows :
The 120m3 control room
The main recording studio is (160 m3) designed to accommodate a jazz band, string or brass ensemble
Booth N°1 is a 60 m3 isolation booth guaranteeing a clear, natural and full sound, ideal for isolated instruments especially drums
Booth N°2 is designed with a particularly sound-absorbent ceiling to capture completely neutral sounds
We still have an additional 120m3 depot equipped with 12 microphone lines for amplifiers or direct recording with a « garage style » sound
The wholly acoustics were specially developed by
Chris ANET.
The antique exposed stone walls with their uneven design, the ceilings treated to absorb excess bass and ensure an even treble distribution as well as the positioning of large reflecting panels offer modular acoustics of an exceptional quality.
Glass partitions separate the various areas, allowing the musicians to have eye contact while playing. A modern air conditioning system adapted to the specific needs of a recording studio offer optimal comfort for sessions during any season.
Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.
Neve Old Style passive analog summing mixer designed by Vintage Maker & Greg Dubuis especially for the Studio du Flon. 32-2 and 16-2, with the possibility of sub-group. Don 1073 output preamps with Neve Old Style output transformer.
Multitrack & playback devices
ADDA Mastering LAVRY BLUE / PROTOOLS 2023 HDX controlled by 2 Raven touch screens / DIGIDESIGN HD 192 modified Black Lion Style 32 in / 56 out / Mac Pro - RAM 64 Go - SSD 256 Go and 500 Go / UAD Octo PCIe / Backup QNAP / Midi interface EMAGIC UNITOR 8 / Professional cd recorder YAMAHA CDR 1000 / Thorens TD 133 Turntable & Phono Quad preamp
8 channels Don (NEVE 1073 without Eq) / 4 channels AMEK 9098 / 3 API 512C / FOCUSRITE ISA 215 stereo / TUBE-TECH MP1A stereo / 4 channels FOCUSRITE RED ONE / REQUISITE PAL Tube-preamp LA2A limiter / 8 channels AUDIENT ASP880 / 2 FREDENSTEIN Artistic Mic Preamp / 4 DI Box BSS AR116 / 6 DI Box RADIAL JDI passive / EVENTIDE Mixing Link Di Preamp / 3 Di Reamp PALMER Daccapo / 12 NEUTRIK Passive Balancing Adapter / 4 TRITONAUDIO FETHEAD / PETE CORNISH LD1 / REUSSENZEHN suitcase piano preamp / REUSSENZEHN organ and groove
NEVE vintage 33609 stereo / 2 UREI LN 1176 Silverface / TUBE-TECH CL 1B / MANLEY VARI-MU stereo / REQUISITE PAL (Tube LA2A style) / REQUISITE L2M stereo (Tube LA2A style) / TK Audio BC501 (SSL G central compressor style) stereo / APHEX STUDIO DOMINATOR stereo
Equalizers / filters
FOCUSRITE ISA 215 stereo / 3 API 560 / DANGEROUS BAX EQ stereo / SONTEC 250 stereo / 2 AML ezP-1A Pultec EQ / 2 TELEFUNKEN W695A
Old Original HAMMOND BC - 1938 with LESLIE 122 / LESLIE 760 & Original HAMMOND PR 40 Amp & Loudspeaker / FENDER RHODES MARK 1 Stage 73 1971 / RHODES MARK 1 Stage 73 1974 / RHODES suitcase stereo preamp
2 FENDER BLUES JUNIOR modified / HIWATT CUSTOM 100 Ampli Model 103 / HIWATT Cabinet Model SE 4122 4*12" FANE Speakers / Pedal LESLIE universal TREK II / Preamp HAMMOND B2
Analog Keyboards
OBERHEIM OB-X8 / OBERHEIM Two Voices Pro / PROPHET 5 (10 voices) / RHODES CHROMA vintage 1984 midi / ROLAND JUNO 60 vintage 1984 midi / ROLAND SH2000 vintage 1973 / MOOG MiniMOOG Model D 2016 / ARP 2600 FS / 2 ANTONUS 2600 analog original first ARP 2600 / MiniKORG 700 FS / GRP A4 / BEHRINGER ARP 2500 modular / XAOC DEVICES Modular / KURZWEIL K 1000 / KURZWEIL K 2000 / ROLAND D50 / 2 ANTONUS StepBrother (Recreation of the analog sequencer ARP 1601)
Drum machines
ISLA S2400 / SOMA PULSAR 23 / SYSTEM80 880 (EuroRack pure analog TR 808 ) / ELEKTRON ANALOG FOUR
Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Aside from the recording and mixing services, Studio du Flon has 20 years of experience in providing high end audio mastering to a wide array of artists and styles :
Erik Truffaz, Gilberto Gil, The Animen, Sophie Hunger, Stress, Stevans…
There are specifically dedicated stereo mastering equipment : Lavry, Dangerous music, Neve, Manley, Requisite, Sontec. When coupled to the summing mixers the client is offered a broad palette of options and versatility :
Digital mastering
Mastering with high end outboard analog devices
Audio stems mastering (ideal for small projects)
Delivered supports and formats :
PMCD (CD audio, DVD audio/vidéo)
DDP Disc Description Protocol (Error protected, specially formatted for direct delivery to duplication factories)
E-Mastering (FTP)
Mastered for iTunes (MFiT) high quality audio file tested with the Apple tools. We are officially recognized by Apple as "MFiT Providers". In 2019, MFiT was renamed as Apple Digital Masters.
If you have obtained the ISRC codes for your production we can include this metadata in the mastering process.
Without music, life would be a mistake.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Studio du Flon has provided the following artists with services in the areas of CD recording, mixing and mastering, movie soundtracks, musicals, radio and commercial jingles.
In alphabetical order :
Anna Aaron / Abaji / Acousma4 / Alenko / Alice In Kernerland / Alina / Aliose / Alex Almonte / Aloan / Fred Amster / Ray Anderson / Lale Ann / Antipods / Aquarium / Arsenik / Assya / Alex Attias / ANABA / Keni Arifi / Vincent Artison / Antoine Auberson / Pascal Auberson / Gilles Aubry / Pierre Audétat / Andrew Audiger / Marc Aymon / Cyril Azzam / Vivien Azzam / Azania
Pit Bacardi / Anouar Baouna / José Barrense-Dias / Bastian Baker / Gaetan Banderet / Sergio Barbieri / Bconnected / Jacques Beaud / Beholder / Erida Bega / Shems Bendali / Michel Bénita / Célie Benoist / Soraya Berent / Jérôme Berney / Marc Berthoumieux / Alex Blake / Bertrand Blessing / Blues Blend / Arthur Besson / Bidoums / Yvan Bing / Ali Birra / Blue Note Records / Bluzz Brozz Band / BMG France / Céline Bonacina trio / Cyril Bondi / Rosario Bonnacorso / Bonny B / Raffaele Bossard / Alice Botté / Hamza Boulifa / Sylvie Bourban / Cédric Bovet 4tet / Malcolm Braff / Anouar Brahem / Brainless / Alan Braxe / Stan Breynaert / Dee Dee Bridgewater / David Brito / Bruk Boogie Kru / Laurent Brunetti / Tom Brunt / Jürg Bucher / Cyrille Bugnon / Michel Buhler / Brigitte Bühlmann / Buvette / By-spiel Project
Saeko Daïmo / Franco D'Andréa / Dear Deer / Deema / Yannick Delez / Jeff Delors / Deo / Henri Dès / Claude Desarzens / Béatrice Deslarzes / Aïda Diop / Benjamin Diamond / Christian Diggelman / Disagony / Disfonik Orchestra / David Donatien / Don't Kill The Beast / Double Pact / DQTC / Pierre Drevet / Xavier Dromard / Dsengue N'Doumbe / Théo Duboule / Greg Dubuis / Muriel Dubuis / Mathieu Dumas / Grégoire Dunant / Charles Duytschaever / Dylem / Dynamike
Dominic Egli / Philippe Ehinger / Einat / Tao Ehrlich / Elektrees / ELP / Elynn The Green / Emeraude 4tet / EMI Music France / Enja Records / EPIC SONY Music / Marc Erbetta / Eriah / Erikson / Expo 02
Faber / Edith Fambouena / Famille Bou / Jean-Philippe Fanfan / Fanfare du Loup / Fanny Leeb / Farafina / Choeur FA7 / Fauve / Favez / FBI / Hans Feigenwinter / Marc Feldman / Julien Feltin / Glenn Ferris / FHGR University / William Fierro / Figures / Michaël Fleiner / Focal / Laeticia Fontana / Four Roses / Nicolas Fraissinet / Léon Francioli / Cristobal Fuentes / Fullblast / Funambule / Kathrin Furian / Marine Futin
Sébastien Gabriel / Galatis-Vauts / Julien Galland / Pedro Galvao / Jonas Ganz / Pauline Ganty / Philippe Garcia / Gaspard Colin / GAS / Moncef Genoud / Nicolas Gerber / Simon Gerber / Gilberto Gil / Marcello Giuliani / Gaspard Glaus / Thomas Gloor / Maël Godinat / Godjan / Nelson Gonçalves / Nadir Graa / Alexandre Gras / Groovah / Guess What / Dida Guigan / Stéphane Guillaume / Guitarthing / Guralumi
Rachel Hamel / Ed Harcourt / Bob Harrison / Cyril Harrison / Irène Hausammann / Darren Hayne / Helmut / Gerry Hemingway / HEMU Lausanne / Philip Henzi / Mallika Hermand / Conrad Hijazi / Hirsute / Arthur Hnatek / Hopeproject / Alain Hornung / Claire Huguenin / Samuel Huiza / Daniel Humair / Human Drop / Sophie Hunger
Imaginastudio / Isa Rose / Ishkero / Christelle Iskander / Jean-Claude Issenmann / Iris Arco / Ilkhah / Iynnu
Jaeko / Yvan Jaquemet / Jaylis Music / Jazz à Vienne festival / Jazzorange / François Jeannot / Silvan Jeger / Marcos Jimenez / Jimix / Jiraf 4tet / Sly Johnson / Joli Foutoir / Jonas / Marc Juffer / Yohan Julliard / Jump Cut Production / Just One
K / Jil Kaplan / Karen/ Karolyn / Marina Kaye / Kazkami / Kelly / Kess'Khtak / Keya / Kha Lutz / Kifkif / Jérémie Kisling / Marton Kiss / Erdal Kizyjal / Mark Koch / Philippe Koller / Kolmoset / Kristel Latapie / Krussia / KSK / Kulture of Noise / Oli Kuster
Ladyland 4tet / Guillaume Lagger / Oscar Lalo / Ignacio Lamas / Antoine Lang / Lars / Lausanne-Sports / Pierre Lautomne / Hoover Le / Nguyen Lê / Bernard Léchot / Eric Legini / Lemon Curd / Catherina Lemoni / Less Is Groove / Julien Lesuisse / Zuma Levin / Levon / Matthieu Llodra / François Lindemann / Infinite Livez / Valéry Lobe / Lole / Loni / Frederic Lorge / Louis Billette 4tet / Luciano / Luvanga / Johanna Luz
Lee Maddeford / Yoann Maeder / Maurice Magnoni / Nicolas Mahieux / Chris Maldah / Alberto Malo / Albert Mangelsdorf / March / Yves Marcotte / Grégoire Maret / Denis Margadant / les Gnawas de Marrakesh / Giovanna Marrini / Térésa Martin / Martin Herman / Martine et les Garçons Manquants / Juancito Martinez / Mary Go Round / Nicolas Masson / Maste Agency / Maunoir / Chris Matthey / Daniel Maurer / Stéphane Mayer / Pascal Mayer / Maylane / Etienne M'Bappé / Sébastien Meer / Stéphane Meli / Jean-Jacques Mendes / Laure Menin / Jean-Pierre Menin / Valentine Mercier / André Daniel Meylan / Francesco Miccolis / Matthieu Michel / Paul Michel / June Milo / Fred Minner / Mario Miranda / Mirazul / Mister Mohop / Mobile in Motion / Mobjob / Mona / Grégoire Monnat / Richard Morgan / Mosquito / Cyril Moulas / Mourah / Mr F / Mr PC / Apurba Mukherjee / Indrani Mukherjee / Patrick Muller / Murcof / Christophe Muré / Gustavo Murillo / Kamal Musale / MUSIKVERTRIEB / Mwenga
NAE / Youn Sun Nah / NAIVE Records France / Yves Ndjock / Nega / David Neerman / Nicolas Maret / Noen / No Games / Raphaël Noir / Scor Novy / nOx.3 / Paul Numi / Nya
Lada Obradovic / Oddrock / Bänz Oester / Olimpos / One A / Alfio Origlio / Raphaël Ortis / Geoffrey Oryema / Sarah Oswald / Otto Voci / Oxyd
Pablo Gomez / Gilbert Paeffgen / Michelangelo Pagnano / Julien Painot / PALEO Festival Nyon / Salvo Palermo 6tet / Pancake / Papasrojas / Marcel Papaux / Maud Paquis / Yvan Peacemaker / Peggy Q / Guillaume Perret / Patrick Perrier / Wayne Paul / Pendleton / Perceptions / Maurice Perretti / Laurent Petermann / Hans-Peter Pfammatter / Norbert Pfammatter / Michael Pfister / Roger Pfund / Léon Phal / Phospohonic / Piano Con Voce / Piano Seven / Picfilm SA / Bertrand Piccard / Marie Pinske / Pitched Battle / Raphaël Pitteloup / PL4 / Pleer / POC / Podjama / Laurent Poget / Polar / Marc Polliand / Poppins / Potamus / Al Preston / Bobby Previte / Proksima / PSCrew / Psophos 4tet / Oxmo Puccino
Kevin Queille / Quiet Island / Qutti MC
Radio Suisse Romande / Cyril Regamey / Renaud Nasch / Richard Rentsch / Philippe Risch / Jean Rochat / Mike Rodriguez / Olivier Rogg / Rohff / Samuël Rohrer / Rootwords / Olivier Rousseau / Royal Air Funk / R2J
Stefano Saccon / SAE / Salomon / Adam Samuels / Cindy Santos / Sarclo / Fernando Saunders / Thomas Sauter/ Marcol Savoy / Jean-Pierre Schaller / Daniel Schlappi / Peter Schmidlin / Sandro Schneebeli / Claude Schneider / Bruno Schorp / Electric Scorpio / Christian Scott / Seed / Sens Unik / Shakedown / Eliot Sharp / Shasta Tribe / Brad Shepik / Shy / Maxence Sibille / Sidony Box / Siegfried / Silesie / Christophe Siméon / Simongad / Sim's / Singula / Sin Manera / Alexandre Sire / Sito / Skile / Solo Dos / Lew Soloff / Solstice / Sonalp / SONY Music France / Soraya / Soulslicers / Matthias Spillmann / Spring / Guillaume Spitz / Stade / Didier Steiner / Stevans / John Stowel / Street Lemon / Stress / Strings & Wood / Aline Sumi / Sumo / Reto Suhner / Superstrings
Takalyde / Leo Tardin / Gauthier Toux / James Taylor / Télévison Suisse Italienne / Télévision Suisse Romande / Jérémie Ternoy / Tété / Tewan / The Animen / The Kompozit / The Postmen / The Side Project / The SugaZz / The Synchronicity Band / Enrique Thompson / The Two / Nicolas Thyss / Time Club / Michel Tirabosco / Marc Tissot / David Tixier / Top Dog / Totor / Gauthier Toux / Rokia Traoré / Jean-Lou Treboux / Triba & Mardjenal / Trio Enchantier / Trip In / Arno Troxler / TRS / Erik Truffaz 4tet / Christophe Turchi / Greg Turini / Tweek
Olivier Uldry / Uptake / Franco d'Urso
Pierre-Luc Vallet / Séverine Vaéna / Erwan Valazza / Colin Vallon / Les Vautours / François Vé / Mauro Vergari / Johan Vermeille / Julien Victor / Gaspard Vignon / VIRGIN France / Claude Voit / Voltage Trio / Voxset / Jules Vulzor
Sébastien Waegell / WARNER France / Waterbabies / Phlippe Weiss / Fred Wesley / Wild Bunch / Mike Wilson / Michel Wintsch / John Woolloff / World Village
Yaya Quatara / Young Gods
Yves Zahno / Zatar / Serge Zaugg / Etienne Zbaeren / Mélodie Zhao / Zion's Power / Michael Zisman / Matthieu Zisswiller / Gaël Zwahlen / Zwegh / Wolfgang Zwiauer
Sophie Hunger
Bastian Baker
Erik Truffaz 4tet
Anna Aaron
Moncef Genoud & Dee Dee Bridgewater
The Young Gods
Henri Dès
La Famille Bou
Alex Attias
Florence Chitacumbi
Papa’s Rojas
Geoffrey Oryema
Pascal Auberson
To The Vanishing Point
Les Vautours
Julien Victor
From the beginning, I knew intuitively that if nothing else, music was safe, and that nobody could tell me anything about it. Music didn't need a middleman, whereas all the other things in school needed some kind of explanation.
Eric Clapton
Benoît Corboz
Accomplished musician, pianist and arranger, Benoît Corboz has also been recording, mixing and mastering for twenty years essentially at Studio du Flon. His approach to sounds and his work as an engineer in general remains very intuitive. He seeks to focus on the emotional and spontaneous aspects of studio recordings and production.
References :
Erik Truffaz, The Young Gods, Sophie Hunger, Pascal Auberson, Arsenic, Anna Aaron, Ray Anderson, Anouar Brahem, Christophe, Farafina, Daniel Humair, Moncef Genoud, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Geoffrey Oryema, Tété, Rokia Traore, Oxmo Puccino, Faber, Don't Kill The Beast, Dear Deer, ...
Contact :
Greg Dubuis
A true lover of music, Greg Dubuis plays piano, drums and guitar. He has broaden his horizons with the benefit of a double formation in electronics and audio engineering. For more than 20 years now, he works in Paris, London and Switzerland.
References :
Alex & Steph Attias, Elisabeth Troy, Incognito, Stress, Ilkhah, The Animen, Sophie Hunger, Yvan Peacemaker, Beholder, Rootwords, Factor X, Nega & Lumidee, Core 22, Booba, Deema, Stevans, Cardiac, Brainless, Climax, Reasons, Henri Dès, Erik Truffaz, Bastian Baker, Gilberto Gil, Shania Twain, ...